Friday, December 22, 2006

Something you can learn from this email...

hey carlos i dont know what to say about ur products they are not good but they are....great! really let me confess....

well before using ur products i was a wussy guy crying for a decent girl to get i dont know wat to do with the girls i was tottally frustrated by the use of the material that was available in the book stores...really it was all rubbish and believe me i have cried a lot for having a decent girl friend in my life it was pathetic and then suddenly a miracle has happened.

one day from google i have checked ur site and was totally skeptical whether ur material work on indian women or not? but i have no choice except trying ur products and sir believe me after trying ur products i have made 2 girl friends in a row who are just begging to have date with me and now a year has gone in using ur products and i am an alpha man....thanks a lot (tears in my eyes)

for ur favours may god bless u a long and peaceful life.




I appreciate the kind words. Great job turning your life around!
THAT is why I created these programs. To show men another way to live - a BETTER way to live.

And, for once, I'm not using this letter to toot my own horn.

Well, sort of...

What I really want to point out here is something that every guy out there must resist. It's a temptation that seems to lure every guy under the age of 30 (and a great many who are over.)

What is it?

It's the call of the "IM-speak."

That's right. We're all starting to shorten our words and find any excuse to type less. As a result, all of our written communications are starting to look like a vanity license plate.

Please don't fall into this trap, guys.

Emails with shortened spellings make me feel like I have to have a decoder ring to figure out what is being said.

If you want to email your buddies this way, fine. But do not, under any circumstances, use these abbreviations (ur, 2 instead of "too", etc.) Your is spelled "Your" not "UR."

The other temptation is to not capitalize. Whenever the letter "I" is used, it must
ALWAYS be capitalized. The first letter of proper nouns and the first letter of a sentence should ALWAYS be capitalized. (And the word "God" when used to designate the deity should also be capitalized.)

Why am I making a big deal out of this?

Well, it's because women are interpretive creatures. If you make a woman read into this, I'll tell you what interpretations she's going to make:

1) You're a lazy typer
2) Therefore, you're probably a lazy person
3) Therefore, you'll probably not put much work into your meetings with her
4) Therefore, you'll probably give up on the relationship and not put much effort in and you'll always be looking for short-cuts
5) Therefore, she shouldn't be very attracted to you.

Of course, this is
very simplistic, and she won't necessarily make this deductive leap in words, but she will FEEL IT. And you'll be out of the game before you even started.

Spell out every word, no matter how long, if you're texting, emailing, or instant-messaging. Yes, I realize that it may require you to type, but that's a good skill to have.

Hey, it is nice to know that my techniques and strategies have been field tested and proven on Indian women. :)

In reality, what I teach is how guys can be better, stronger, more assertive
ALPHA MEN. And that works with EVERY woman out there.

Learn how to be the Alpha Man by clicking here...

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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