Alpha Isn’t Bad

Here are a few things an Alpha is NOT:

– Aggressive
– Angry at women
– Verbally abusive
– Arrogant
– Obnoxious

There seems to be some confusion (and most of it is created by other guys hoping to cash in on your confusion) about what it means to be a STRONG and persuasive man in today’s society.

I’m not even going to throw you more of that evolutionary stuff because it really doesn’t matter. When you think about it, it just makes sense that we want people who appear or demonstrate more social value than us. It’s because we naturally want to latch on to their power.

Again, it all comes back to power.

So being an “Alpha” doesn’t mean you’re dragging women back to a cave.

Or that you’re being an aggressive, pushy jerk.

Or that you’re being forceful and mean.

Or that you’re inconsiderate.

Or that you’re acting like a brutish animal.

It means that you understand the basic primal reasons a woman is attracted to a man, and you’re not afraid to BE a man.

Not a cardboard, one-dimensional wimp that’s afraid to let women know he desires them.

You see, there are only two motivating forces in life:




That’s it. We are motivated purely by what we feel we WANT, and what we feel we most want to avoid.


Fear is a stronger motivator for humans because it helped us survive potentially life-threatening situations. You’re smart to fear wild animals, or large trains heading toward you. You can’t afford the luxury of analysis in these situations. A delay could cost you your life.

On the other hand, in our modern society, there isn’t much you need to fear. In fact, we fear too much already.

And the fear that is most crippling is the fear of LOSS.

Everyone’s favorite short green dude, Yoda, even said it in the latest Star Wars flick…

“Fear of loss leads to the dark side.”

And so it does. It leads you down a path where you never gain because you’re too afraid of losing what you have.

An Alpha Man understands that the only way to live is to wake up each day and understand that everything you have was just given back to you today. And when he goes to sleep at night, he gives it all back.

Lose this attraction to your possessions before they possess you…

Whoah, I’m getting very philosophical here.

What I’m trying to get across to you here is that you should avoid becoming attached, even to TERMINOLOGY.