Is your Inner Game ON or OFF?
...I can’t believe how far I have come in less then a
year. I am a 43 years old who was somewhat of a
natural from a very early age. I somehow got it with
women, not in great numbers but definitely in quality…
I didn’t know why or how, but I always managed to get
nice girls.
But the more success I enjoyed, the more I lost it…
until my last long term relationship with an
ex-model-TV star. Somehow, when she dumped me a year
and a half ago after a six years relationship, I found
out that I had completely lost it. I couldn’t talk to
a cute sales clerk without gushing and drooling all
over myself… sad, very sad…
I then met last February the girl who would become my
next girlfriend, and as with the last one, she was a
female player… a good one. But unlike when I met the
ex-model, I had become totally out of touch with the
man I use to be. A total wuss I had become. Man, the
distress I felt being played around like that by her…
That’s when I got my first contact with the
“community” through a French discussion board called
“French Touch Seduction”. I was seeking help and I
found it there.
I was quickly directed to Dave D’s e-book, DYD. You
can’t even start to imagine all the “aha!” moments I
got reading this book. It was like a spiritual
illumination from a higher power. And I could directly
relate to most of his material through personal
experience! I finally had a blueprint to the most
mysterious being on earth for me at the time: woman.
I got myself a copy of your Dating Black Book and I
started working on my game right away, both inner and
outer, on my girlfriend and with every women I met…
with limited success, because a) the inner wuss was
still very strong (fears, fears and fears), and b) I
was heavily overcompensating for imagined weaknesses…
Lol, I now have some very funny stories to tell… My
congruency was totally out of whack. But back to the
Because of severe incompatibilities, and even though
the sex was great, I have broke up with my girlfriend.
I was full of doubts at the time, but Carlos, this is
the best thing I have done for myself in years. My
self confidence shot way, way up… I had acted out of
honesty towards myself and not out of neediness,
thanks to some of your coaching.
I have then enrolled last July in Style’s lifestyle
challenge. That got me out of my apartment and into
the field… man, it was brutal at first. But there
where some extraordinary eye opening moments, when I
could clearly see the social interactions, as
described by all you dating coaches, at work right in
front of my eyes.
Throughout the challenge, I have met my current
girlfriend, a high quality, very interesting
psychologist. Now, because of your material Carlos, I
was able to start the relationship on the right foot
and to keep it going that way. I am the selector, and
I now have options once again.
I can see from what she
tells me that me being an Alpha Man is very important,
sexy and comforting to her. I like her a lot, and I am
in no way domineering or rude with her. And Carlos, I
can’t believe how much into me she is. With the
relationship on the right tracks, I can now put more
energy into other areas of my life… like my budget.
Like you often say Carlos, my game is now always on,
because I love meeting women, even though I am
committed to my relationship. I still have a lot to
learn and I like having options, because with options,
I can stay in the relationship out of choice and not
out of neediness.
I would sincerely like to recommend your podcasts,
The Dating Black Book and the AAC program to anyone who
wants to become the best man he can be, in every area
of his life. You are authentic and honest Carlos. I
like that.
Your no-nonsense approach to dating women and life in
general, without gimmicks and crutches, is one I share
and you are now my main source of inspiration.
Most of the little success I now enjoy comes mostly
from inner-game, and that is what your program is
about. It is one thing to get girls, but quite another
to keep them and be happy with them.
With my inner game coming together, all of the other
pieces are falling together almost effortlessly.
Thank you senseï.
Vires quod Honor.
I've never seen my motto "Strength & Honor" in French before.
Thanks for the letter, J. This should serve as an example to EVERY man out there that he can be ANYTHING he wants, so long as he is willing to DO something about it.
After your hot girlfriend broke up with you, you could have fallen into a pit of despair.
But you didn't.
You could have turned into a total wuss.
You did, but you fixed it.
When your inner game is on, your life is ON. You're more attractive to women, and you'll find that's only one of the benefits.
Get the secrets of Inner Game...

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