Mistakes in a Foreign Land
Guys here have almost no game. They don't approach here!
I went out with my newest instructor (I'm keeping him a secret for a bit, but you're about to meet him very soon) to do some approaches on the street. He's a master of approach, and his day game is excellent. I coached him today, and I'm scared of what he's going to accomplish in the next few weeks.
Yes, we walked up to women ON THE STREET and started talking to them and getting their phone numbers.
And it is EASY.
Is it because Belgrade is easy? The women are different?
Well, yes and no.
They are only different in our minds. They are just women, like everywhere else.
And I'm going to put some of the video of this in an upcoming video portion of the AAC program. (You can get it if you subscribe HERE) You'll also be able to get my field reports on this soon, too.
Right now, I'm sitting next to a couple where the guy is trying VERY hard to make a girl like him.
He's sitting right next to her, not across from her. (BIG MISTAKE #1)
He's leaning in close every five seconds (I'm not exaggerating) and doing goofy shit for laughs. (Normally, funny is good, but this is dorky. BIG MISTAKE #2)
He's not reading her body language and facial expressions correctly. (BIG MISTAKE #3)
He's forcing interaction and eye contact is almost constant - like a needy puppy. (BIG MISTAKE #4.)
Do I really need to go on?
Everything this guy does says TRYHARD - TRYHARD - TRYHARD...
Unfortunately he wasn't in our bootcamp this weekend. That's too bad. As a result, there is a ton of stuff he's going to cook into his game that will make it HARDER and HARDER to fix later on.
I could fix his body language in a minute that would INSTANTLY make him more attractive to her. I could almost guaran-freakin-tee that she gives him the kiss of a lifetime. TONIGHT!
This opportunity is only six feet from him, and he doesn't even realize it. I'll just sit here and keep eating my Bibioteka chips and beef. (Oh, they are SO good...)
In fact, the opportunity is right in front of YOU right now, too.
I cover all the critical lifeskills of an Alpha Man, and I can pass them on to you, if you're interested.
Doesn't that sound cRaZy? "Hey, are you interested in the information that will make you a more confident and successful man?" Sounds like some hyped up sales pitch, but it's not.
They are secrets that ANY man can learn.
But not every man WILL.
He'll probably let his ego get in the way, trying to be cool, trying to avoid the discomfort that comes when you realize you have some changes you need to make.
But I sure would hate it if you didn't get this chance.
Take a look at the newest Secrets of the Alpha Man.
I'm absolutely certain you won't be disappointed.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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