Friday, January 12, 2007

Contradictions and dilemmas in attracting women

Hey buddy, thanks so much for your help. The information in your audio course is priceless! Your material deals with becoming a better man, destroying the myths surrounding your own ideas of a man and setting you free to have great success with both women and life.

Therefore I would highly value your opinion on the subject of showing sexual interest and being a challenge whilst also being seen as attainable to the girl.

For example I might say to a girl 'you're sexy but I'm not sure we could work' = sexual interest and challenge = good
However, to be seen as attainable to her if she feels she is either out of my league or not sure if I date certain girls like her. If she was a grunge chick for example and I am not. Yes indeed I am a man, but I'm more preppy. Therefore to let her know I'm open to her going forward with me I could say 'my last girlfriend had a similar style to you'.

Yet these two statements seem to contradict each other and its confusing my game. How can you demonstrate sexual interest with a challenge whilst also being seen as attainable?

Much Obliged

Graham, UK


Glad you are realizing the benefits from the
Advanced Coaching.

I think you may be making this more complicated than it actually is.

I've been reading some newsletters from a popular adviser that is doing the same thing. We have to be careful about over-thinking the whole "she thinks/I think" thing.

The key to demonstrating interest and not sabotaging your personal power is in the
PROGRESSION of how you reveal it to her.

Follow me on this if you will...

The order of your interaction should be something like this:

1) Open / Approach her. (I give a complete program on this here: APPROACH WOMEN NOW)

2) Start attraction through the use of my techniques

3) Start qualifying her and presenting yourself as attainable as you detect she is becoming interested.

A woman doesn't care how attainable you are until you have been proven as someone
she desires. Otherwise, she doesn't care.

To be seen as attainable, you don't demonstrate
DIFFERENCE, you demonstrate RAPPORT and commonality.

It's a push-pull. When she demonstrates interest you say, "This probably won't work..."

When she demonstrates detachment or starts to pull back, you indicate your attainability. When she becomes interested again, you pull back with a challenging statement. This sets up the dynamic of sexual tension.

Want to learn more?

I'm giving 3 months of the
Advanced Coaching - absolutely FREE - go have a look at this program.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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