Macking with Your Family
A few minutes later, I feel a tap on my shoulder and it is her. She tells me my nephew is kinda creepy, and proceeds to hit on me. At that point my mind went blank. I didnt know how to respond. At that point do I continue to wing for my nephew and attempt to salvage, talk to the girl for myself or walk away and move onto a new group?
Uhh, can you say "awkward"?
That's a rough one.
Here's how I see it: Your nephew is obviously young and has no real game. But it sounds like he's got a good wingman with you.
Here's what you do:
1) Get him one of my programs.
This sounds like a shameless plug, but I would have given my left nut to have all the information I put into the Dating Black Book. That book has over 20 years of dating experience in it. Give him something that will save him from burning out like a wuss-moth on a porch light.
Seriously, man. What kind of uncle are you? :)
2) You don't have to shut down his self-confidence to show him how it's done. You quietly take him aside and explain what happened. The best lesson is often the one that stings a little, but if it's too weird, ditch her, correct him, and move on. There's more fish in the sea. For both of you.
The best thing a wingman can do is to stop a creep-vibe DEAD in its tracks. Stop it before it starts.
And the honorable thing to do is stand by your family.
Women are a dime a dozen.
Being Alpha also means doing the right thing, even if you DON'T get the girl.
Let's be clear - Women aren't the goal here.
Becoming a better MAN is.

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