Pickup on the Set...
I'm 22 and fresh out of college, working on the new Dane Cook/Kate Hudson film here in Boston. It's crazy long hours, so I really don't get to do any of the PUA material. Past two days, I worked about 24 + hours.
But, there is a girl I am very attracted to who works on the film. And, I think she's attracted to me as well. She's one of the producer's assistants and she's also from Mass. I always catch her looking at me and she sometimes tries talking to me, but I get so busy since everyone around me is constantly yelling I kind of ignore her. She hasn't really tried talking to me in a couple days, either cause she's busy or she probably thinks I ignore her.
Anyway, I want to take her out to decide how much I really like her, but the awkward thing is I get really nervous around her. This hasn't happened to me in so long and it's weird this time because she isn't really that great looking. She just has things about her that are attractive.
Any advice?
First of all, there is ALWAYS an opportunity to do pickup. It's part of your LIFESTYLE, not just a mask you put on. If it is a mask, it's fake, and it will never integrate into who you are.
You can flirt, tease, and just have a general good time with everyone you meet. This is important. This is what separates the "pickup artists" from the real Alpha Men.
Nervousness is inevitable. It's created by the message and inner dialogue we use on ourselves. Something in you is telling you to "not mess this up." Or even over-stating her value.
I'll make this simple, because it never needs to be any more complex: Just go over and tell her to join you for drinks after work one day. Or join you for lunch.
Use that opportunity to have fun with her and - as you said perfectly - find out if you really like her all that much.
Act now before she puts you in the friends-only bin. This delay and procrastinate sh*t is only going to hurt your game - both internally in terms of your belief system, and externally where women will lose interest.
My advice?
Go for it!

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