How to Use and Manage Your Anger...
Cause when I was reading the dating black book I was following the principles and I had easy time to talk to people, I felt like I can flirt and talk with any woman, I was making up jokes, but when I finished it I suddenly stoped feeling "fired", I started to be sad for no particular reason, and for 2-3 weeks I had no idea what was going on.
Yesterday I almost send you a letter asking you what to do when you don't have the energy to talk to men and women, when your voice breaks for no reason when talking to people, but today I thought to get pissed a little bit and I realised that for the past 3 weeks I was forgetting to use my anger. What a waste of time was that!
So please give me some guidance about anger, how much to use, how to use and when. Thank you Carlos!
Anger is one of those often overlooked areas, because so few advisers out there know how to really deal with emotions. REAL human emotions. They may have the clever patter and witty banter, but when it comes to true emotional intelligence, you gotta have SKILLZ, my brothers.
Anger is tricky, because it's like fire. Once it's started, it can be very hard to keep in check. I call it the "Beast."
Most guys just don't know how to manage their anger. They either sublimate it, keeping it below the surface, and then letting it out because they never really managed it, or they lose control right off the bat.
When you feel frustration starting to build (almost always the start of anger in men), that's when you start to funnel that experience in your mind to bring your energy back up to where it needs to be.
Don't let the "Beast" run out of control; just point this un-channeled energy towards something constructive.
Pissed because you didn't approach that last woman?
Great! Go approach THIS woman.
Pissed because you didn't get her number?
Great! Go approach another woman and use what you learned about what you did wrong to correct this one.
Imagine what you'll feel like if you don't do what you know you must, and your anger can serve you. If you focus only on the anger, you'll never really put it to use.
Focus on the next constructive ACTION you can take - not the emotion itself.

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