The Excuses Are Everywhere
These guys were talking about opportunities in their field - computer animation. One was discussing Pixar (which is about 3 miles from my house.) He was talking about wanting a job there, but everything he was saying after that was really about how it will never happen for him.
And, amazingly, none of the reasons were his fault. It was the rest of the world's fault that he won't get a position with them.
First there's the requirements for certification in the software that they used. He didn't have that, but if he wanted it, it would cost $70,000 to get.
The funny thing these guys don't realize is that there ARE people holding the jobs at Pixar that he desires. The only difference is not talent, or the money to get the certification, but the willingness to overcome their own distaste for putting in the necessary EFFORT to get it.
The people that are where you want to be are merely willing to do what you are not willing to do.
They're not better than you.
They're not smarter than you.
They're just more willing to do what they must to get what they want.
Take that concept for a test drive.
And anytime you find yourself giving in to the urge to be a victim, or feel sorry for your condition, just remember that your problems are NEVER unique. Someone somewhere has already overcome them.
And many more people have given in to the urge to quit before they tried.
Which one will you be?

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