Is a Lesbian really a man in a woman's body?
This weekly tip has actually made me think of a question I've thought of some time ago.
As far as you've observed, in lesbian relationships, is there always a dominate person who has male like traits or acts straight up male? And what traits do they don't have besides physical that a male has, that makes them attractive for more feminine lesibians? Since women don't want women, they want men.
Real men at that.
Yes, my answer is guaranteed to offend someone out there, and that's just the high price of being your own man.
It's disturbing, but I think this increased focus on "political correctness" (which loosely translates to "think like us or you're BAD"), has sucked the masculinity out of a lot of guys. We're so afraid of offending, of hurting feelings, of being viewed as insensitive, that we are turning into quiet and scared little puppies that can't formulate and express an opinion for fear of not being everyone's best buddy.
(Carlos... lay off that Red Bull, man...)
Ah, yes. I digress...
My politically incorrect observation - that parallel's this reader's question - is this: If lesbians are truly attracted to their own gender, why is it that (VERY FREQUENTLY - but not always) one or both appear to embrace masculine appearances and behavior?
Funny, huh?
And the weird thing I've seen is that gay guys don't typically do this as much in appearance. (The interesting statistic is that most transvestites are actually straight men.) However, there is a certain effeminate quality about some gay men, too.
Now before I start getting attacked by every over-sensitive special interest group or angry militant keyboard jockey out there, please understand that I'm not criticizing or judging anyone. I'm just making a general observation. (Last I checked, the government gestapo hadn't destroyed that right of mine.)
Let's face it, I'm just saying what many people are too afraid to say for fear of appearing "insensitive..."
Puh-lease. I live in the San Francisco Bay area. I'm about as tolerant as you can get, home boy...
Remember, in that dot of the Yin-yang symbol, we all carry qualities of the opposite energy. Most guys are not "in touch" with that little dot of feminine energy. Or they are WAY too in touch with it.
And the same goes for many women.
So for all the straight folk out there, let's all get back to the original sexual polarity we once had, and that we were all much happier to embrace.
Masculine Men.
Feminine Women.
It's the only way to fly...

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