More about the Pickup Artist
I dont know if you read these emails or not, but even if your assistants do, great!
[A certain pickup artist] is flat out weird. His paradigm of attracting women is somewhat there, but to me it seems too try hard, and too out in the left field, it does not appeal to me because.........
the show seems to be all about one thing - getting women, where-as your message is about, creating the lifestyle that, in no time, women flow to you.
In other words getting your shit together, where as in the show, the guys don't have their shit together at all.........and they will probably end up right where they started before the show, probably worse.
Uniqueness is good, yes, but wearing 3/4's coat and a cowboy hat with eyeliner/mascara whatever it is.......bad.
I hope you read this.
Keep up the hard work-
Carl I.
Thanks, I appreciate your message. (And YES, I do read my emails. As long as they don't look like a kindergartner wrote them. :)
I'm not printing this to insult or defame anyone out there. (And the name I removed from that email is not Mystery's, either. It was someone else.)
The fact is that all men gravitate towards understanding women better and learning how to attract women better. Pickup Artist techniques do work.
But they absolutely do not check and make sure the integrity of the user is good.
I'm thinking of a movie where the person who seeks to use a certain artifact for his own selfish desires ends up with that artifact harming him because he was coming from a place of evil.
The same thing happens with pickup artist techniques.
If you come from a place of integrity and Alpha Man confidence, as I teach, they will work for you AND her.
But if you are using pickup artist techniques just to GET something from a woman, you will suffer consequences, not just to your character, but your attractiveness overall.
Read more about the pickup artist situation here.

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