Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Yes, to build attraction with hot women, you must have TOOLS

I got this email from a student who understands how this all works. We're always looking for a clever trick or a technique. In the end, it's all about providing you with TOOLS. These are tools that work. Tools you need.

Also, pay attention to his story a little ... there' are things to learn...


I'm sure you here this a lot, but you have CHANGED my life! , Here is a little info about me. I ended a 4 year relationship with a girl who moved to my city to be with me. I hung on to the fact that she did move here to be with me and I tried really hard to make this work. She is a great woman, but somewhere along the line, things went way south. I mean, it went from being awesome to long silences, and month long "breaks" from sexual intimacy. When we first started seeing one another, I only worked one job, but I had to take a second one to make ends meet. I explained this to her and of course she said she was ok with this.

When I look back on it, my second gig took time away from us, but I would always compromise by offering time when I wasn't working.  This didn't seem to do the trick either and she simply pulled away from me, more and more.  I encouraged in my absence, that she take up hobbies or get more friends (at least local ones), none of this seemed to work too well, and she kind of clanged to me even harder, and would resent me working so "much".  

To make a long story short, I got tired of our arguing about a million little things, and very tired of being miserable. I wanted change and compromise, but I didnt feel she was willing to compromise so we could both find mutual ground. I suppose I had a feeling that this isnt what a relationship is supposed to be, and I wanted better.

I made up my mind and I ended the relationship, in late February of 2006 and I really do feel great about it. I had to go through a few mind state changes if you will. While on my path to a better me, I happened to run across your material. Its an odd coincidence, but I came to know about your material from another "guru" so to speak. You did an audio program with him and your concepts knocked me off of my seat, man - LITERALLY!  

I was like, this guy is on to something.  So along with books on NLP, Fear Analysis, and Self-Image, I downloaded a copy of your Dating Black Book.  I read the whole thing in about 3 days. The second time was a little longer (I was busy applying some of your techniques). It was like a light bulb came on upstairs. I am learning and understanding more and more about not just dating, but LIFE.

I love everyday now and your offerings have been a huge part in this change in me! I'm currently living a blissfully single life and I never lack for company.  My friends now say I need a day planner to keep my new "friends" in line.  I could never see myself as I am today, just a year ago: confident, powerful, and charming. To me this has been key, and when you get this part going, its like a river, it will just keep rolling along.

When you say that success in this area, carries over into other areas........  I have to tell ya, it really does.  I have gotten a promotion on my job and have 2 job offers now to do what I do in other areas. My brothers in arms, If you not been able to absorb all of this info from Carlos, I'm here to tell you, buy his products, they work!!!  I mean like right, now!

If you have a genuine desire to figure this whole man/woman dynamic out, get Carlos' tools! I don't like to call them programs, when I applied them, I call them tools, because they are just that great! I recently bought the Approach Woman Now set and this stuff is gold.

I took the careful skeleton that Carlos put in front of me and I personalized it. I was able to work myself up from 1 interaction a week to 3 or so a day!  This from a guy who would always sit and admire from afar! That was not living! That was simply losing and find some dumb excuse to allow it to continue.  

Guys, if you want to get it and be the kind of guy that actually "gets" it, hit Carlos up. Trust me, you will be so glad that you did!!!

Memphis, TN

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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