Get the BIG picture of dating and attraction with women
I made a decision today. First off I have been reading your stuff for a while now along with some other gurus stuff. I have been in this self-improvement journey for a while now, and I have been attending therapy and value it a lot because of the improvements its made for me.
I decided to become exclusive to you and I have decided that I will only be reading your material and purchasing your products because it is sooo related to a lot of the principles I learn in therapy (which is based on science). I have read a lot of David D (covers mostly the dating scene) and Mystery (I find it toooo behavior focused, too much detail) and others, but you draw the BIG PICTURE MAN.
Most of the other stuff I read are sooo philosophical but your stuff really seems to be based on a lot of the science out there. I felt like I was becoming so confused with so many different perspectives out there but I really believe that your perspective is the most healthy one out there. So, I have decided to stick to your stuff exclusively. Just wanted to let you know man, I appreciate it.
Uh-oh. You want to go exclusive with me?
Does this mean we can't see anyone else?
I'm a little commitment phobic... I'm starting to freak out here.
Uh, kidding.
Just keep your mind open, but focus on the material that makes the most sense to you. I encourage guys to read everything, but to remember that if they're not getting the BIG picture, they're not going to be successful over the long term. Everything out there has something you can learn from it.
What I give you guys is the path to becoming a COMPLETE and fully empowered ALPHA MAN. It's not all about chasing the women, and most guys realize this after a time. In fact, if you make women the focus of your life, you'll lose every woman you "pickup." Women know when a man is incomplete and just looking to satisfy his insecurities or low self-esteem.
Keep up the good work! Never quit...
The Secrets of the Alpha Man is where you can go to learn the big BIG picture...

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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