Do not change your identity to get a woman! Change it for YOU.
Sorry Carlos but I violently disagree. I support David DeAngelo's opinion in this.
Another thing that pisses me off lately is something I see more and more.
We as men should ACCEPT women for what they are, flakiness, emotional outbursts etc. etc.
We shouldn't try to CHANGE them. In stead, WE should change 1000% because women don't see us otherwise. It seems to me that women have all the rights to be themselves and that we should dive in the sand, and go through a lot of pain to change ourselves ONLY so that she finally sees us and we are worthy.
I've had it with that. I am 37, happy with the things I have, never had a relationship though. I understand that I must try to become a better person for myself and for a women. And I admit that I do have a couple of things that I must work on. But, I refuse, and let me repeat that, I REFUSE to change myself SOOOO freaking much, ONLY that a woman will notice me where she didn't notice me before. I hope I make myself clear. I should be accepted for who I am now, with my good and bad things.
And to answer your question. No, I am not willing to sacrifice my rule for not wanting children. Should she sacrifice her rule for wanting children?
We're not talking about throwing away a sandwich because you don't like it here. I think that both parents should support the wish for having children for the fully 100%.
And if that means I never get a relationship, then so be it. Like you I am very spiritual and I think it's my karma then, for not having a relationship.
Cheers mate,
Whoah! You're reading way too much into this.
For those of you who may not be aware, this is in response to my article regarding women that flake.
It's not about "changing" yourself. If you've read my e-books or programs, you know that I never tell a guy to change for a woman.
Wrong, wrong wrong.
As a matter of fact, David D. and I both agree on this as well, so I know there's a misunderstanding here.
If you don't want children, then no, you don't have to change your opinion to get a woman.
However, I question what you're currently holding on to as your "identity."
What are "YOU"?
You are the sum of your beliefs and attitudes...
... which changes every day.
Are you the same person you were when you were 9 years old?
Not really. All the cells in your body have changed, and your opinions and attitudes probably have, too. (I seriously hope so, anyway.)
But it's still YOU isn't it?
Don't become attached (one of the spiritual poisons, by the way) too much to your ego or your opinion as your IDENTITY. It's not necessarily the same.
Too many guys hide behind a false veil of self-righteous "I'm gonna be ME, whether they like me or not" and don't realize that they aren't sacrificing their identity to grow and get more success through better social skills.
They're hiding behind a fear of change.
Hey, if you're proud of who you are, that's great. Don't lose that.
Allow me to suggest that if you have never had a relationship, and you don't want one, then that's fine, too. You're a smashing success.
But if you you DO want a relationship (and I know you do, whether you would admit it or not), you should consider learning more skills to make that happen.
This is what I teach in the Alpha Immersion program. This is 12 hours that will change your life.
If you let it.
But if you'd rather argue for your self-imposed limitations, well that's fine, too.
Remember what I always say: We're all self-made - But only the successful admit it.
Let me remind you of one more thing: Which is easier, to change the world...
... or yourself?
If you're not getting what you want from life, you need to make some changes.
Don't wind up 90 years old and alone just because your pride got in the way.
Find your Inner Alpha Man now...

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