Hey Carlos,
How have you been man? Well, as far as I'm concerned, I'm doing pretty well. I just wanted to drop a note to all the guys out there who use your material and give them my perspective and insight into my personal journey. I think a lot of guys could benefit from my personal experience and journey with this stuff.
I have come a long way man, I really have. I started reading Carlos stuff about a year and a half ago. Its really helped changed my perspective and MOST importantly the way I think and feel about myself. After studying this stuff for a year and a half, I absolutely cannot put into words the impact it has had on the way I think about others and myself.
I was one who was always screwing around with techniques trying to find the easy way out, and the part that’s shocking is that I wasn't even aware I was doing this. I finally realized one day that all this stuff really comes down to INNER GAME. I mean I have finally come to a point in my life where I feel I have a COMPLETELY new way of thinking about the world, and about myself and I can't even begin to describe the benefits it has had on my life and my journey with women and dating.
It just feels so great to know that now I have all the self esteem and self confidence to go into battle and I KNOW AND BELIEVE in myself that whatever happens, it really doesn’t matter because I will maintain that positive, upbeat attitude that Carlos stresses so much in his materials.
Rejection? Doesn’t really matter anymore, I know I now have a strong enough sense of self to battle it.
Anxiety? Doesn’t matter either, because I know that everyone has a little anxiety in them when approaching women and I know that afterwards I can deal with it confidently. Its almost as if all my problems have decreased in power SIMULTANEOUSLY!
It’s an amazing feeling and one I have worked on for a year and a half. I use to be very self-conscious around people (including women), and had such a low self-esteem and would always have my head down. Now, just after working on my inner game I feel that I am in a war and have ALL the necessary tools to go into battle.
Bottom Line: Inner Game is a very important aspect of just about everything you want to do in your life. It came to a point when I really didn’t think I could do it and wanted to give up, but as Carlos preaches perseverance was crucial to my success.
I worked on my goals, have a mission (I always say to myself "I'm on a MISSION, and no one is going to stop me"), take care of your appearance, work out, eat right, visualize yourself with that happy, confident feeling.
I realized that all of this has NOTHING to do with women, and after you get to a point when you feel that positive attitude on a consistent basis that you will automatically reap the rewards and you will allow yourself to take the risks necessary to succeed with women. His stuff is probably the best out there and he probably has the hardest job out of most of the gurus because many of the other gurus don’t preach self-esteem as much and focus more on OUTER game.
I realized that Carlos was right all along, it is SO MUCH easier to start with a position of self confidence when going about this stuff and I truly cant thank him enough.
Thanks again, man.
Wow, I guess the best thing I can say is, you're welcome!
Anyone else want to get on the path to better success with women - and life?

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