One other quick question. I have had the same scenario hit twice this last weekend from two gals. Both scenarios further validate to me everything that you teach... Is there a decent response to the women making statements like "I like strong men" and "I don't like passive men"?
Obviously, when they make a statement I can't dodge a question by saying "why do you ask" because they made a statement of course but I understand her test.
If I let the remark go without saying anything than I feel like she will assume that I am the passive guy but if I try to defend my Alpha Man traits than she will either drop me in the "controlling bucket" or assume that I am just another wimp trying to sound like an Alpha Male.
What to do?
Thanks again,
The question is never "what should I do" but "What would an Alpha Man do?"
Once you get into this mindset, you can start to envision what that kind of man would do in a given situation. You shouldn't just imagine, either. You should INHABIT that frame of thinking.
That means that you become what you think about.
As for your statement re: if you say nothing, she will think X...
You assume too much.
Saying nothing is a perfectly valid response - if done correctly.
However, what I believe an Alpha would say (since it's the first thing that comes to my mind):
HER: "I like strong, assertive men."
ME: "That's nice, Jennifer, but what do you have to offer that kind of man in return?"
ME: "Good thing you ran into me, isn't it?"
That's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
But probably not. :-)
But if you really want to know how the Alpha Man approaches these situations, you should look into my Secrets of the Alpha Man Program...

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