First off let me thank you for all the great advice in the past as well as the future. You have helped me to overcome my shyness as well as be more confident around women. Through your teachings I have learned to better understand women and have more success with them.
I have been dating this girl for 2 months, for the most part it has been going pretty good until this last date. As I was taking her home she said " I really like hanging out with you, but I really don't want a boyfriend right now." I was sort of surprised and didn't really know how to respond.
We then proceeded to have a arguement where she told as she has been warning me for awhile that her tax season is beginning as an accountant and she doesn't have extra time and she has some personal issues that she has to deal with. But then she kept throwing in things like "I really like you.", "I really see a long term relationship with you." She said she just needed a break for a few "months" while she figured out some issues and got thru her busy tax season.
I talked to her for awhile and we agreed we both liked each other and I asked her if she wanted to continue, she said ok. I knew things were not good, but I have tried to call her a few times and she never returns my calls. Is this her way of nicely telling me she doesn;t want to see me? Should I back off give her some space and see what she does? Should I try calling her some more? Should I pursue this or not?
She is completely full of shit.
Let me ask you this: If you were REALLY into her, would you let anything get in your way? Not likely.
And women are exactly the same. She’s just trying to not hurt your feelings.
Tax season?
Drop her completely until she gets her head on straight. Don’t call her anymore. EVER. She isn’t into you, and the more you attempt contact, the more you’re pushing her away.
Move on, get over her. You've been dumped. Sorry to be so harsh about it, but it's better that you face reality now than become a sad stalker.
People who REALLY are into each other don’t want a break; they want to get it started and keep it going!
And in the future, never TALK about what should be HAPPENING between you. It destroys any se*xual tension – and you need that to develop the relationship you want.
Get my Secrets of the Alpha Man program RIGHT AWAY. It would have saved this relationship for you.
Best of luck...

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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