Here's a little somethin' somethin' from our inside player on the other Team...
C wrote me some info to post for you today. She thought you might enjoy this perspective.
My only notes are that I think women want sex MORE than men. But if that secret ever got out...
Women desire sex almost as often as men do. A man will see an attractive woman and in a flash, his manhood is doing the Tango. Arousal for women often initiates in the mind- it is an intellectual process. Before she will even consider you as a potential lover, women will play out many different scenarios.
When a woman sees an attractive man in passing, her vivid, erotic imagination goes into high gear. She visualizes the two of them getting into an elevator- in the Empire State Building… he pushes the top floor and turns around to ask her, “what floor would you like Ms.” He glances at her and drinks her in, nodding in approval. As she looks deep into his eyes, the elevator screeches to a halt in between two floors. At first, all is still, then the lights flicker and they are thrown to the floor. The firmness of his body briefly excites her; but then panic settles in. He regains his composure, realizes he will need a rope to rescue them, and rips off his shirt, exposing a perfect six-pack and chiselled triceps….Ah yes, you see where this is going.
Women need to fantasize (think of it as cerebral foreplay) a bit before their female nectar flows. And no, not all of our sexual fantasies are this tame... Pick up any one of Nancy Friday’s books and your view of a woman’s sexual prowess will forever be changed. Hopefully, this will not offend your masculinity; but it is a fact; some women will have highly erotic, sexual fantasies while making love to you. Yes, we know men fantasize too…but you already know that don’t you!
Women want sex all the time. Really. It is the fear of being labeled promiscuous, “slutty girl” or worse the dreaded “female player” that puts our libido in check. We have been conditioned to believe that honorable men would not want to be with overtly sexual women.
I applaud women who feel secure enough and have a high degree of self-esteem to go after what they want. I understand the three-date rule; but let’s face it; sometimes we meet a man that is so charming, and sexually alluring that we cannot count to three. I do not think that turns us into licentious immoral women. I think it makes us happy.
There are certain aspects of sex that many men take for granted. We are not men. We do not want to be men. We do not have penis envy. (OK, maybe a little when we really
have to pee and we do not have the mechanics to just whip it out and rain on Broadway).
Women and men do not have the same expectations when it comes to having sex. Men need to ignite women’s natural erotic nature with the slow and sensual acts of seduction.
I assume you have already mastered the fine techniques of flirting and teasing, and have studied and practiced the key elements of attraction.
Now that you know that we want sex, fantasize about it all the time, how do you know when we want it with you?
These are some of the more discreet signals...
Watch your love interest carefully and she will reveal her desire for you with her body language.
She will start to play with her hair, sensually flipping her head back- exposing her bare neck where she loves to be kissed.
Look into her eyes, there is a reason for the saying “the eyes are the mirror to the soul.”
I once had a boyfriend that said, “I brown eyed him into oblivion.” If she looks at you, tilts her head back slightly, and lowers her eyes with an almost dreamy gaze – check to make sure that condom is in your pocket!
Notice what she is doing with her hands. Is she caressing a glass, or delicately twirling a straw around with her fingers. Is she stroking her neck? Her motions are indicative of her thriving desire.
Her lips are slightly parted and she is moistening them with her tongue. Look to see if she is focused on your lips. Wet your lips with your tongue and watch her eyes.
Crossing and swinging her legs while caressing her thighs-, she can hardly stand it-move in closer to her and she will probably begin to fondle you.
Listen to her breathing, if she wants you, her pulse will quicken, and her face will be flushed.
There is no better aphrodisiac than anticipation. So now, it is your time to shine, take it slow- and let her come to you. (If you really want to excite her, make her beg for it).
When you kiss her, kiss her passionately, but remember a woman can judge how good a lover you will be by how well you kiss.
If you really want to know if your gal is interested in being intimate with you, communicate your desire to her. There is nothing more erotic for a woman than having a man who cares about her needs and desires.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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