Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Session 24 is here!

It's been two long years, but we're still dishing up the top dating advice for you. Session 24 is now available for download.

This month we cover:

ANATOMY OF A FAILURE - How I messed up, and how you can learn from it, including the vital clue you can use to determine if a woman is really into you, why a woman won't just say "no" to you, The three possible outcomes of any approach, How men make a fatal mistake interpreting a woman's interest, and the only two answers she can give you when you ask her out...

ALPHA SELF-CONFIDENCE - How your attitude and confidence is eroded every day, and how to fight back, why you must be a stand-up guy, the problem with avoiding confrontations, playing the dominance game with your friends, how to stand up for yourself, the things you must do to keep your Alpha status, how to recognize victimizers and how they function...

HOW TO READ PEOPLE - How to test a woman's true interest in you, how to test loyalty, how to test her honesty, and how to find out if she's the kind of woman you can stay with long term ...

KILL THE KNOWITALL - The attitude that kills most men's conversations with women, 2 ways to impress a woman - and the way you're probably messing it up, How much ego you really need, How to present knowledge without seeming like bragging, How to get a woman to take your advice, competing with women...

ATTRACTION MAP - How women build their "blueprint" for attraction in their head, how you can read it from the outside, how her age affects her map, adjusting to variables, important roads you must travel...

HOW TO KEEP MOTIVATED - Handling a slump, How subjective reality works, and how you can create your own "memories," why women flake on you, what you must not do when you're in a bad stretch, how to rejuvenate, methods for improving your self esteem and attitude ...

HOW TO BUILD RAPPORT - How to handle rapport building, and what to do when you go too far, trust-attraction dynamics, The Rebound Reaction - when she pulls away ...


You can get your copy here:
Advanced Dating Advice for Men

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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