Dating Advice Question:
I have been reading your stuff and experimenting with it. So one fine morning I was taking a walk and met a girl. We talked for a while and she OFFERED her phone number and email address and suggested that we can go for a walk next day too. I called her that evening and we fixed a meeting place and my next meeting was also fine.
After that we were in touch. I guess she called me once and even replied to my mail.
But now suddenly she has stopped responding. I leave a voice message or email once in like 10-15 days so that I don't show that I am too needy and I am also playing
with her. Ofcourse I can move on to other women and I am talking to other women. But this has happened many times with me.
Like I met a girl during my rafting trip and she was flirting with me and finally when we were done...she OFFERED me her email address. But again she didn't respond to my email. (By the way was not like I mailed her within half an hr I reached home. I mailed her after 2-3 days.) I can understand that its a game for them and they are having fun for that. But what do you suggest, I should do? Should I continue what I am doing? Like mailing her once in....say 15 days or so. I am looking forward to your opinion.
- SB
The problem here isn't the calls, it's the action in between them.
Guys are relying too much on the phone to "stay in touch" with women.
News flash - you can't touch a woman on the phone. You can only touch yourself. And we ain't going there in this letter.
Once in 15 days is way too infrequent. That's almost disinterest. You're going too far with the "pretend" non-neediness. You can call her every day, if you have the right attitude.
I suggest you run the numbers so much that you DON'T CARE about the ones that don't answer. I hear you SAYING that you are going after other women, but I don't think that's the case... at least not as much as it needs to be.
Go out and get 30 (THIRTY!) phone numbers in the next month. (Not hard to do, if you've got your head on straight.) Then, start your calling regimen in there just like an exercise regimen.
The first woman you actually GET from this kind of effort and focused concentration will make you suddenly forget all about those other women who didn't respond.
It IS a game to many girls. Most are flakes. Get over it. It has NOTHING to do with you.
You're thinking too much from the "what do I do to get this one" mentality, and not enough of the "NEXT!" mentality.
I'm also suspecting that you didn't move far enough during the previous meetings. Just because you make it through one or two meetings with a girl does not mean you're home free. You have to keep escalating the right kinds of sexual tension.
I have absolutely ZERO room for women pulling this crap with me. If they play these games of hard-to-get, I call them on it, and if they don't correct their behavior, they're terminated.
Maybe. But my self-dignity is worth so much more.
I suggest you stop "experimenting" with my stuff and get COMMITTED to it. Commitment is what you need to achieve a better Alpha Attitude.

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