i recently purchased your audio program Secrets of the Alpha Man. you have no idea how much it has really helped me in so many ways....
There is a girl I have been talking to at work and I have really been cranking
up the attraction. she came in to see me one day at work and we talked for a
while. towards the end I said well, I guess I better straighten my department
cya later. you know to show im not needy and stuff. and she ate it up. but,
then she wanted a hug and I said nope sorry, like that. and she said ok you
really hurt my feelings and walked away and went into the office.
then she came back out and said why are you so mean to me ? so, I said you want me to
be nice ? is that what you want? and she said no, I want you to be honest. and
she was acting like I was honestly being mean to her. and she said do I get a
hug now? and I said ahhh maybe saturday (that's when we work next).
She did seem kinda frustrated in a good way. but now I'm starting to wonder if any of
that is a good idea.
I'm just sooooo sick of being a nice guy. but at the same time I don't want to
be mean. I mean is there anyway that, that situation could kill the
attraction? I mean by like denying women hugs ? I mean I want her to want the
hug and im not just going to give it out like a nice guy.
But on the flip side I have been worrying about it and thus causing me to
think of her which is BAD. I dont' want to kill the attraction.
So are denying women hugs a good idea or not? I know she is seeking my
approval and she sorta put herself out on the line by saying give me a hug and
I shut her down kinda.
and when women seek approval when is the best time to give it to them? she
asks my opinion on her clothes, etc... should I give her my opinion or be
evasive w/ the questions?
Thanks, I know this was long and I hope you have the time to answer this.
Nevertheless, your program is awesome! the best!
Thanks again! A.
First off, recognize that she is trying to manipulate you. She's testing you in every way to see if you'll give in and do what she wants.
And when you do...
She'll totally lose interest in you.
That's the way it works, unfortunately.
You're on the right path. Denying her hugs is a great way to drive up the sexual tension between you and her.
STOP doubting yourself. AFCs everywhere doubt themselves.
ALPHA Males know how to hold their own and believe in what WORKS with women.
Drop the worrying, too. Worrying is THE MOST USELESS expenditure of your precious mental energy.
Consider that 90% of the things you worry about don't happen, and 90% of the things that happen to you, you never worried about. Worrying is FUTILE.
Instead of just denying her the hugs, make it a slight pull away:
"A hug? You must be so starved for attention. Here you go..." Then you reach an arm around her and give her a "guy" hug. It lasts about .003 seconds, and you lean forward so your bodies don't touch below the shoulders.
"Feel better?" you ask her.
Or when she wants a hug, ask her: "What do I get in return?"
Make it clear that your reality is VALUABLE, and she doesn't get in for free.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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