Ok, so I have clearly decided that the next time I see this girl I am going to try to progress by asking her out. Now my problem is I dont know how to do that. You see, I dont want to come across as a wussy who sounds needy, and my situation is that I have known this girl at my job for about 3 months and have continually busted her balls like crazy and have been dominant and assertive around her.
I have been playing out different scenarios in my head but they all seem to have the wrong state of mind and come across as needy. How can I ask this girl out in a way that communicates that I am a dominant, secure, Alpha Man who goes after what he wants?!?
Is there a state of mind I can get myself into at that particular situation that helps me come across as a confident Alpha Man? Please answer Carlos, I would really appreciate your help. Thanks man.
P. S - I still havent gotten her number yet, do you think that I should get her number first Carlos?
Don’t get too into thinking this one through. Just act.
Say, “Hey, you know what, we need to get together and have some fun. I’m going to (name a local bar or pub or coffee house) at 7:00 on Friday. What time can you get there?”
If she says anything about not being able to make that time, sit in silence with a look of disdain. Then say, “Oh, boy. She’s flakey. I’ll let you redeem yourself with your counter offer. You’re not going to let me slip through your fingers this easily, are you?”
If she puts up any resistance or doesn’t make a good counter-offer, shrug and say, “Too bad” as if it’s too bad for HER – because it IS.
Then blow her off. She’s a flake. If she’s smart, she’ll follow through. If not, she'll help take herself out of the race.
Just believe in your heard with no exceptions that YOU are going to be the PRIZE for her. Don't stress your brain too much on this. I think you should just act and leave the worrying for someone else. Too much thinking just makes it worse.
And I don’t know about your work situation, but I’d try to do this “off the clock” if you know what I mean.
And, no, you don't need her number until she says "yes." Then you need it as "flake insurance." And tell her that's what you're getting it for.
Good work so far, by the way. Use this attitude on ALL the ladies.
Alpha all the way...

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