THIS is what women want...
"Secrets of Alpha Man" is the first book that really changed my life.
I know, it's a cliche, but for the first time, it's true.
This book tells the truth, without evasives thoughts or a magical system.
It's not just a Dating Program. Actually, is a Life Program!
Believe me, I've already read all the kinds of Self-help and Dating books.
And I've already lost my hope.
But the Alpha Man Program is totally different from all the others!
- Seth V.
Hey Carlos,
I am a 45 yo single custodial parent graduate student up here in the wilds of Montana. The kids are 4 & 6 and I have them all the time (no family in the area). But what I am writing to let you know is that after getting the Alpha Man and going through it a few times so far, listening to the cd's, and doing some soul searching I found out where I have been going wrong and am getting my game back.
I tend to think of things as they relate to music, in particular Roadhouse or Blues. Anyway I was listening to some music at work yesterday and it came to me that most men relate to women in a manner equivalent to Tab Benoit's song "Drowning on Dry Land" losing there head trying to find a piece of tail. This is where I and so many other guys was going wrong. I couldn't figure it out since I had game before, especially when I lived in HI and worked on a party boat booze cruise, but then reading Alpha Man it joggled the ole brain and I remembered the things I used before.
When what the women are really looking for is in Koko Taylor's song "Fish in Dirty Water"; they are looking for the guy that excites them so much they don't care what other people have to say. For them it is better to be with him than to be without him no matter what others say. I think that is where the 'bad boy' thing comes in for most women.
Now it is a different game being a single custodial dad but the same things still work. Just have to ramp up the Alpha and not be using the kids as an excuse or doing 'woe is me'. Anyway, Great stuff and keep up the fight of waking some of us back up with a slap to the head and teaching the others what they never learned to begin with. I think you are doing the women a great service too.
Have a great 4th of July.
K. N.
Amen to that! I get a lot of emails and letters, and one of the things that guys don't realize (because if they did, I'm sure they'd have a different, more aggressive attitude) is that this is GOOD FOR WOMEN.
That's right. Bringing out the best in you, the most assertive and confident male traits, is WHAT WOMEN WANT.
Women want guys that have their act together. Women want men with a good attitude and a healthy self-esteem.
And the shame of it is that so many guys feel shameful for giving women what they want. As if they're doing something sneaky or deceitful by improving themselves.
Wow. Hard to believe, huh?
Yes, You Deserve To get a hot girlfriend!
PS: And he had a couple great quotes in his email signature that I'm sharing with you other Alphas in Training:
Courage is being scared to death...but saddling up anyway. John Wayne
Honor is having the courage to do what is right and just in the face of adversity and also doing it when no one is looking.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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