I've been using your material for a bit now. I am not all the way through all of it yet, but I am improving big time. I am getting new numbers every week.
Now I am not concentrating on just one (I've got 5 so far, 6 now due to today), but there is one I like a lot. See she works at the little convenience store on base that I frequent. She always smiles at me when I show up.
I remember last time I saw her before today, I was dressed all fresh and fly ready for the club. I had my cd case with me and she wanted to look through them and we talked a bit. (Should've got the number then). Anyways I walk into the store today and get in line. She's off in the corner doing inventory. She sees me and bends down so she could make eye contact. We exchange smiles and what not.
So after I get out of line, I walk over and talk to her a bit. I said her and I should kick it sometime, and at first she said she was busy, but I said so was I, so she gave me her number.
This is the part where I am not sure how to continue. What should I do to make the next steps go smoothly. Any suggestions on where the first meeting should be? It'd be nice to have this one work out.
Ah, yes.
There's the one of the bunch we end up liking more than the rest.
Why is this?
Well, there usually is one that stands out from the pack.
But you know what?
The only way you can mess it up is this:
By treating her different than the other 5 or 6 women you attracted to your Alpha Lure.
They're ALL EQUAL, dude. As much as you want to believe they're different, they're not.
I noticed a funny trend when I was dating large numbers of women at once, and it was this one little dating rule:
- The one you least expect to catch your attention will be the one you're with longer than the rest.
And the corollary:
- The one you want the most is usually the one that's the worst for you.
So don't be in such a hurry to focus on one woman. Trust me on this. The bad ones will weed themselves out of the bunch, and the good ones will rise to the top.
Make your first meeting very matter-of-fact. Call her up as you're heading out to a bar or small event. Then invite her on the spur of the moment. (Make sure this is an event that you're ALREADY going to. She'll smell the need in your voice if you aren't planning to go without her.)
Just take it EASY.
Let go of the need to want her more than the rest and you'll do MUCH better.
It's the unknown irony of Trying Too Hard.
Don't drop the others. Don't focus in on just one, because she'll feel the hidden psychological pressure of all your hopes being tied up in HER, and she'll pull away - thus prompting you to TRY HARDER. See how it goes?
Oh, and I remember your email from a few days back, telling me how great you were doing after getting the Secrets of the Alpha Man program.
Keep it up! Every guy that writes in after getting that course has had similar stories to tell...

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