I was just thinking the other day about how my friend Greg attracts
women all the time, and I was mentally comparing what his approach
was from mine in terms of why we're successful. We're both good at chatting up
women just about anywhere, and we are both fairly successful at
getting more than our fair share of ... well, let's call it female
attention. We talked about this for a while, and then it hit us
both like a bolt of lightning...
Even though he and I were different in appearance, different in
style, different in dress, etc., one thing was actually the same.
We both understood some principles of attracting beautiful women that involve
"calibration." Flexibility for the situation.
So I got home and started recording some topics having to do with
this area that I think will help you guys understand how to adjust
your approach to various situations.
Oh, and I got a lot of questions about certain activities you can
do to really increase your comfort level with women. So I decided
I'd reveal an exercise I once used to get myself over my fear of
women. It's called the "Poll" and any guy can use it. It really
rocks. You can use it for cold approaching women on the street, or even in
a bar or club.
Not to mention I am also covering how the concept of social proof
works with women (and people in general) and how you use it to
demonstrate your own superior social value (SSV) with women. SSV is
something I'm going to cover more in the next couple months, too.
(I even threw in a ton of examples of how to use negative hits
So, rather than get long-winded here, I'm just going to tell you
that Session 22 is HERE, and you guys are going to LOVE it. I am
going in-depth in these concepts and many more.
Get it here:
Take a quick look at the great stuff we're covering in a few of the
tracks in July's Session-
Session 22 includes:
- CALIBRATION - How to adjust your approach for the various levels
of women (classic "10" scale), what's happening when she won't call
back, how to compliment, and WHO to compliment, the GPP complex, as
well as what to expect from women at various levels of
- THE 2 LEVELS OF ATTRACTION - Emotional vs. Sexual, how much
chemistry you must have versus trust, what happens when you over
involve her emotionally, why a woman slams on the brakes, how
negative hits work, and how you can use them effectively, with 8
examples of application
- EXERCISE - The Poll - How to double and triple the number of
women you meet with your own research, removing expectation, why
it's critical to memorize introductions and phrases, getting
yourself empowered, Ten Example questions for your poll, how to
score yourself, the most important way to express your interest in
her, and tips on how to NEVER approach women on the street (chances
are you're making these mistakes)...
- INFLUENCE - SOCIAL PROOF - How social proof works, the need for
validation, examples of sociological motivations of people, how a
woman is motivated by social proof, Public compliance vs. private
acceptance, when social proof works the most ...
- SELF-DISCIPLINE - What it is and how to develop it through
action, application with your own goals, working your phone list,
examples of goals, the one critical ingredient to your motivation -
and why you will fail without it ...
- AFTER THE SEX - How to choose your path after you've achieved
your goals, qualitative vs. quantitative criteria, how to setup
expectations, why relationships develop you faster, why men lose
their game in long-term relationships, the two decisions you must
make for each woman you date, and the reason guys don't want to
date more than one woman even when they know they should...
Just in time for your holiday weekend, you can see the COMPLETE
table of contents, and download the July session here:

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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