Hey, I hope you are great! Am writing all they way from Nairobi, Kenya. Thanks a lot for your stuff man, be assured its touching people worldwide!
Now, am a 20 year old university student, and honestly, before I came across your stuff, I used to be quite alright with the girls. I used to be a king of sorts with them, but now, after your tips, I am THE KING! The Mack baby! Not one among many, The One!
My question is, there is this nice girl am chasing on campus. She gave me her number and all, but she wasn't really responding, so I sent her a couple of cocky funny and insensitive jokes on her cellphone, just to see wassup. She didn't respond.
Surprisingly, she did pick the phone when I called, but she doesnt want to meet me like for a date (the text messages freaked her out). I laughed, stayed cheerful, told her it was my bad, and told her to have a great day, and then I hang up. Now, I know I have value in her eyes, she always sees me with beautiful female company, she loves my cologne, and she thinks am a serious dude.
Should I try her again? I know the phone should only be used to get us to meet, but? Or should I completely abandon ship? Coz am not going to get one-itis, I aint gonna believe that she is so important that I need to chase her all over. Tell me where I stop... She seems nice company, n I wouldn't mind a long-term relationship like for a month or two or somethin!
They say one of the qualities of the Alpha man is persistence, but does that mean I call her up again and again and try to meet her and be sweet? Or is she just playin hard to get? Coz if she didn't want to talk why did she pick up my call anyway?
Also, what do you think about dates? How much should a guy spend before he gets any? Should he spend at all?
But I'll say, I would NEVER have learned ALL this, not this early in life without your help man. I am where I am in the dating world, largely due to your stuff.
You've definitely had a positive influence on my life. And thats amazing...
First off, it's great to hear from a loyal fan. I get a lot of these emails, but yours wins today's "excited to be alive" award.
However, in spite of your excitement, it appears you have freaked this girl out with your messaging. Yet another of the reasons I tell guys to not try to convey humor anywhere except in person. YOU may know you were joking, but text messages (and emails) do not carry your tone of voice, so it's very hard to figure out what is joking and what is not.
If she thinks you MIGHT have been serious, that's enough to kill her attraction.
Ya dig?
Let's redefine persistence here...
It's persistence to get the goal you want - in a broader context.
It SHOULD be Success with Women.
NEVER success with THIS woman.
Do you see the difference?
One gets you the right attitude, the other gets you an unhealthy preoccupation and probably police charges for stalking.
What you did was show something I call social ignorance. I used to do these things ALL the time, not realizing that I was freaking people out with my wild personality. I thought I was just being cool, and maybe a little devil-may-care, but I was alienating my friends because they didn't know how to read my intentions.
Well, after I figured it out, I started paying attention to what my words and actions were communicating. I was amazed at how much I was misinterpreted.
You see, people won't go through the effort to get to know you if they don't have to. They'll make their snap judgment as fast as they can so they can get back to their already over-busy, over-committed lives.
This is the reason stereotypes exist. They help us quickly sort people into groups that allow us to get on with the rest of our lives.
Word to the wise, you've got a lot of critical misunderstandings going on with respect to her.
If she was freaked out by the text messages and won't meet you for a date, you don't have value in her eyes. You lost it after the freak-out. Don't cloud your eyes from the Truth. Just because YOU see yourself as valued doesn't mean she does on an instinctual attraction level.
My suggestion - move on.
As for dates, spend only that which you can feel happy losing if she were to blow you off and never speak to you again. That's your barometer for investment.
Better question - What are you willing to invest in yourself?
Get The Secrets of the Alpha Man... it will help you immensely.....

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