I have a couple questions. One situational, and one general. OK here goes:
1. I am dating multiple women as you suggest (my weekends are booked like a week in advance). There is one girl I liked but thought she had a bf. We went out to an amusement park, had fun, took a walk on the beach, started holding hands, but then as I went to kiss her, she pulled back. She turned to me and held my hands saying she had a boyfriend, but lol that I could kiss her cheek.
Basically I responded my saying I didn't care if she had a bf, that I was going for what *I* wanted, and that I was cool with whatever. The way home, we played a game of hers called "redlight" where whenever you stop at a red light, one person kisses the other. I know she is interested but has this bf.
This seems to be coming up a lot with the women I want. How do you handle a girl with a bf that you still want to pursue? She wants another date, so how should I proceed?
2. I've noticed that women don't return calls when you leave messages often. What exactly does this mean? It can't necessarily mean she isn't into you, because I've dated 2 girls this weekend who did this to me. I notice they usually answer when you call again another time.
Anyways, I now own all of your ebooks and am an Audio Coaching Subscriber. ... it is making me into such a player. I honestly feel like I can get any woman. Thanks so much.
You hit a few good things here that I'll talk about. Let's work the numbers...
1. You handled the boyfriend thing well. A lot of times a woman will use the bore-friend excuse to give her a license to do whatever she wants. She can have her cake and eat it too. She can make an excuse for her actions and still be warmly accepted back to him. Chances are the guy is a complete chump. If he wasn't why would she be looking for another guy?
Just remember, what she's doing to him, she'll do to you - UNLESS you can keep her challenged enough. A woman can't pursue another guy when she doesn't feel like she's got the one she's chasing. That's the key to keeping a woman with you.
But I digress.
Keep in mind that a girl will also cheat as a way to keep monkeying from vine to vine. She'll stick with one to keep her safe and secure until she's ready to trade up. (Hey, guys do this, too.)
It's emotionally insecure, but it just means that you know exactly how she's playing the game.
GO after her with a consistent level of challenge. Keep seeing other women. When she's driven crazy with desire and the jealousy of sharing you, she'll jump ship. You can't make her, or suggest it. It has to be her decision, or you'll be wondering forever if it was just her way of finding the next vine.
2. She doesn't return calls because:
- She's a woman (my personal favorite)
- She can't find her damn cell phone amidst all the makeup and crap in her purse
- She didn't recognize your number on her cell phone and enjoys GETTING messages (makes her feel wanted) but returning them is too inconvenient
- She ...
Oh, damn, dude, she's a WOMAN!!!
They never return calls. They want you to chase them, and they want YOU to take the initiative to GET them.
This is her way of seeing how much she'll own you when you fall into the routine of dating her regularly, as well as finding out how much energy you'll put into a relationship with her.
It's a TEST.
Plus, she could just be damn busy.
But don't bet on that one.
Just be persistent calling her (use my calling strategy from the audio coaching) and you'll do fine..
Rule of thumb - never leave messages. It leaves you a state of uncertainty, thus making you more susceptible to falling for her illusion of scarcity. YOU sit up waiting for her call, wondering where she is, who she's with, etc. etc. Thus also deepening the feelings of lust and attraction for her.
Her investment? Zero. Nada. Zilch.
Her return? Your obsession.
Not bad.
Instead, leave her a message telling her you'll call her back ... sometime.
Let HER sit and wait on your callback. Let HER get a little obsessed with you. I like that investment option better.
Or just keep playing it like you are and recognize that you'll have to go through this pattern every time.
Your call.
(No pun intended.)

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