Here is a success story...
I had a few female friends from school (now that is some 10 years ago) that went abroad to foreign universities. Others went to Italy, others to Germany, other to the UK. What I did then (being all nice and wimpy and actually pretty good at becoming friends with women) was to keep contact with most of them. Now, when I mean contact that is about 1 call per 3 months or so. When they were coming back for holidays (that is christmas, easter and summer) they did call me to go out for coffee, drinks etc. All of this of course was happening with me labeled as friend, but there was a slight difference. We had no regular day to day contact.
And I think that this was the one thing that kept me from messing up my game back then. Anyway, the years passed, and in the mean time I got into figuring out what was the thing that was messing my game and started fixing it.
Got through a lot of stuff before I found (and stayed since then) a loyal reader of the great works presented here... (may sound like a compliment, but it's not :-).
So... during the last year, I used every bit of information contained into the Dating Black Book and preparing the ground for graduation and return to the homeland! Guess what... First girl to come back: seduction successful!
It took a month or so but it was worth it. Now I know that there are more to return, and i'll deal with every situation when it arises. In the mean time I 'll keep doing what I was doing: a phone call every now and then, a coffee meeting etc.
Trust me, when they return back after some years living abroad, the only thing they can think of is that only one guy kept on being interested in them was me. 4 phone calls and 3 meetings a year for a period of 5-7 years per girl. I came up to the conclusion that there is not wimp behavior, there is genuine interest, and it is indeed as low as it can get to maintenance cost.
And I think that the most critical of the success factors here is that I would not think about them but 3-4 times a year. And now that I am through with the Alpha Man program I know that this long term investment (which I now realize it was) is starting to pay off... BIG TIME!
Oh... I must add that this girl had a long term relationship when she was a student... that is why it took me a month. She finally realized that long-distance relationships do not work, and I was the only guy she knew back home. She had lost contact with virtually everybody else besides her family and a few girlfriends, which I now know that is the case with all the rest of the girls.
The conclusion? It's worth it. It's low maintenance. It's genuine interest. And she will call YOU when she's back.
There is only one regret...
Wish I knew all this stuff back then! But this is pretty much common right? Better late than never :)
D. H.
Yes, once you get the "feel" for how an Alpha Man acts, you can let go of certain "rules" regarding how and when to contact women, or even how to keep them in your life.
You see, if you've got your Alpha Confidence where it needs to be, you'll have no problem giving the occasional compliment, or staying "in touch" with certain women.
Or even friendships with women.
What I've found is that inevitably women want me more after they know I've been in a "couple" and now am on the market for a while, as long as there was the right kind of sideline interaction keeping the spark of their hope alive.
Or if they've been away and now are back in the area. I can attract women simply by occasionally fanning the flames of their fantasies.
Oh yes, it can be done my fellow Alpha Men.
It's important to immerse yourself in a world that is FULL of women. You see that there's no scarcity, and there's no reason to act like you MUST HAVE THIS WOMAN.
Otherwise known as the dread disease "One-itis."
Keep working on your attitude, and keep the faith in yourself above all else.

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