Tuesday, May 09, 2006

REAL Objections

How can I overcome  objections....?  since I do not  even know  how  to recognize  a  false  objection from a  true objection.  now, if  I am in front  of  a  false  objection  ( a test from  a  woman)  how am  I going  to  overcome it?  I'm  just having  problems  on this  issue  but  I'm o.k in all the  other  aspects....and  you know I owe it to you  and  your  books...



Well, that's an interesting subject.

You see, what's the difference between a real submarine with nuclear warheads on its way to annihilate the East Coast of the United States and a submarine executing a drill?

This was the question in the great book and movie "The Hunt for Red October."

The solution is actually pretty simple, and it was the one they had to use in the movie as well.

ANSWER: You don't know, so you have to treat every situation as real.

But that doesn't mean that your way is necessarily right the way you're doing it right now.

You see, most guys handle challenges to their progress as reasons to panic and drop their guard and become wimpy she-males.

You simply must keep your composure, and treat every situation as a chance to show your posture and non-needy, non-whiney, non-desperate Alpha personality.

Just face it, bust her on it, and listen for the subtext of what she's saying to hear the real meaning of her "objection..."

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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