Why does this feel familiar?
Now, I'm not going to brag and say that I've been with a ton of women, personaly my goal isn't to sleep with as many women as possible but to be confident enough that while I'm in a relationship, if need be, I can walk away and get another girl without a problem.
Now here's what I've started to notice. The women I have suceeded in seducing act seem very similar. Once I get their interest, their actions and even some of their conversation are almost identical. It's actually weird sometimes.
Just curious if you've experienced anything like this yourself?
Yes, I've actually noticed the same thing. Their behavior seems to slide into a groove that is strikingly similar. They'll go from coy and hard-to-get to being more talkative about plans, and then the screening questions start where they try to figure out if you're a "contender" or not. Then you'll get the acting up from time to time as she tries to wrench the control of the relationship and test your limits.
That similarity and many others (which I discuss in my program) is caused by the universal constants of behavior that each gender tends towards. Don't let any of your friends tell you that women aren't consistent - they are, but in ways that are often covered over by socially acceptable "politically correct" B.S.
By the way, contrary to popular belief, most guys would like to have a steady girlfriend and not "play the field." Most guys don't need to be a "player."
I believe that a guy has to have options and choices in life to feel safe enough to stick with one woman. Unfortunately, most men stay with one woman because they succumb to the fear that they won't be able to find another.
I have a way for guys to never feel like this again.
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