When they cut you out of your conversation...
Well, I've developed a pipline of girls to work on and its going well, I'm talking to them, getting them interested and leaving while the interest is high- right? Then, one of them, the one I think I dig the most has turned those baby blue eyes on to me- today! So far that she finally was asking me if I needed anything from Starbucks- though I think that is only part of her ploy to reel me in because we ran into each other at Starbucks a week ago and had our first bonding chat.
Anyway- I got the feeling that she wanted to talk to me tonight, but then something happened when she started talking to someone in front of me, another girl, about some guy that was calling her for a date- and it all of a sudden became girl talk- with no adherence to me being there. So, I finally broke in and said I couldn't stop eavesdropping about it all, but couldn't hear all that well and if they'd repeat it for me- in jest. They briefly acknowledged me but then got back to the tete-a-tete. So, I excuse myself and let them have their 'girl talk'.
I then got changed and left work- but as I was leaving I was thinking why I didn't turn back around and talk to her like I think I wanted to.
I was wrong some where- if so, where?
Yeah, this is a common situation with guys that rapidly spirals out of control. One minute you're in an exciting and interesting conversation with a woman, the next minute she's talking to someone else and you're frozen out.
The freeze-out happens not because of any bad feelings for you, but because she's now found conversation that is HIGHER ENERGY (review this from the program) and more interesting than yours.
The key to keeping some women's interest is to keep the conversation amped up to the level where she won't be distracted. Now, the topics I give you in the Alpha Conversation & Persuasion program (use that memory trick sentence I give you to remember the most interesting topics to women) work like a champ to keep her dialed-in.
Some people are just plain rude. They get all caught up in themselves and their conversation, and they fail to bring others back in.
There are a couple of techniques for dealing with this. One is to simply call them on it.
You say: "That's rude."
They say "What?"
"Cutting someone out of your conversation like that. Just when we were having fun!"
Deliver it with a little humor so they don't think you're trying to be a dick. If they get indignant, you just successfully screened out a woman that would have mistreated you and given you hell down the road. Congratulations!
I cover more Strategies, Tactics, and Techniques for dealing with this in my new Alpha Conversation & Persuasion program. Take a look at it HERE.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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