How to Attract Women - when you don't have much time...
Anyway, 3 of us that attended your seminar in Belgrade have been sarging for some time and now we are finally getting phone numbers(and sometimes instant dates) regularly.
Now, our biggest problem is flaking, in the sense that, when we get a phone numbers, we call the next day, and they won't go for day2, and this happens a lot to us. We know that this is because of lack of TRUST and RAPPORT. By the way, we call on the next they immediately, and we still get the player vibe. The girls ask us a lot "Do you approach girls a lot? Do you do this regurarly? Do you say this to every girl?"
We even try to seem as if we were approaching for the first time, we try to seem huble and not over-confident, yet we still get the player vibe.
So, how do we achieve that trust and rapport in 2-10 minutes?
- Mark
Ah, the old "how do I get her to like me enough in just a few seconds..."
Let's face one thing right away... Anyone that claims you can walk up to a woman and have her number in just a few minutes is right. It's not that hard once you get the hang of it. It's just like any acquired skill.
BUT to actually establish a level of trust that will get her to re-connect with you will simply have to take MORE time and show her MORE of the REAL you. You can't be building trust when you're acting according to scripts and routines, but as I taught you in the seminar, you will get further with a sincere expression of feeling than you will with a clever tactic that smells "game-y."
In short, you can't always use a technique to save your situation. Eventually you must rely on the REAL you (your sincerity and authenticity) to get her to believe in you.
I usually do this through the use of sincere statements of interest. "Look, I really think you're interesting and unique. I think we owe it to each other to take a chance on meeting again."
Boom. You get her number. Then you lock her in:
"Now, you're not the kind of girl who's going to give her number just to get rid of a guy are you? Will you be smart enough to see how much fun we'd have together? Wait, don't answer that. I'll ask you again when I call. Have a nice day."
The reason their comments about being a player get to you is because you secretly suspect you ARE being players.
Spend your first few minutes on the phone re-energizing the conversation so that she remembers why she gave you the phone number in the first place.
Remember, getting a phone number is relatively meaningless - it's necessary, but it only give you a second chance to start all over again. For women, it's simply her way of saying, "Okay, I'll let you interview for the position again later. But I'll forget you in the mass of people applying for the job, so you have to start all over again when you call me."
Do you want to learn REAL Game? How to get women interested in you with your own personality rather than a bunch of clever lines?
Learn how to Attract Women HERE...

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