Sunday, June 04, 2006


Hi Carlos

i just wanna say thanks for all the advice, the last few days have been something
short of amazing. after reading the stuff on the net and the newsletters my whole
perspective has changed and so many more women become options! when i woke up
today had 100% feeling in my stomach that i was either going get a number or give
mine. i seem to now have almost complete confidence in myself!

This morning i went to the gym for a good hour and half, then went into town
looking for a new pair of shoes, you know the normal male, efficient get-in,
get-out shop. walking into one shop i noticed a VERY attractive shop assistant.
So i was browsing the shelves it was to my great surprise that she walked up to
me like any good shop assistant would, asking if i needed help. it wasn't until
i'd walked out of the shop that i realized "i have got to see this girl again" so
i even went and bought a pen to write my number down (very sad i know but at
least i'd get a spare pen if nothing came out of it). Walked straight back into
the shop and very amateurly asked her her name, and placed the note in her hand
saying "here's my number, it would be nice to get in touch". then strode out
again. as i walked out, (by this time there was actually nobody in the shop but
her colleagues, about 5 i think) the shop erupted in laughter.

Whether this laughter is a good or a bad sign, i really have no idea, but i came
out with huge grin on my face and its stayed there all day. i would NEVER have
done this had i not read your stuff so thanks. now all i have to do is hope that
she calls. i know this is only a stupid act done purely on the spur of the moment
but i feel great, even if i have just crashed and burned, and if i have, i don't
care, because, now i am prepared to do it to literally anyone who i like, because
practice makes perfect.




Great job!

Remember that women often relieve tension with laughter. They weren't laughing at you, they were just releasing some of their anxiety.

EVERY woman in that shop admired your guts my friend.

Even I do. That was brave. Keep up the good work!

If you'd like to have this kind of success for yourself, then you can start by becoming an Alpha Man right here

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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