What happens when you ASK her....
Hey mate,
I've got an interesting situation for you. Please help me out. I'm gonna get straight to the point.
I've been trying your stuff on this girl and it works like magic. Every word you said is right. Although she's very friendly to every one, I can sort of tell that she's at least a little interested in me because of her body signals. I make her laugh every time, she calls me and pops by my place a few times, she leans her head on my shoulder while watching movies, we even cuddle a bit on the bed while watching movies (although nothing else happens).
One night I decided to ask her whether she would go out with me, but she said she didn't know. What's that mean? Apparently she has never got a boyfriend before and she said she is really shy. I figured maybe she's just scared to go to the next level because she hasn't had experience before and wouldn't know what to do.
Am I assuming wrong? Nevertheless, she still slept over my place that same night (nothing happened, just a bit of cuddling). And she still seems pretty comfortable with me.
The thing is I've got another friend who is interested in her, and she seems really friendly to him too (but I don't think she cuddles with him in bed too). So there is some competition. What should I do now? Should I just keep doing what I'm doing? I don't want to lose her and fall into the friend zone.
from down under
It's always great to hear from the guys down under. But no Vegamite for me, dude. Someday soon I'm going to get a seminar out there for you guys...
And I'm always happy when you're willing to open your mind and unlearn some of the bad programming that gets into guys' heads these days. If you're using this material and learning how powerful it is, you're already on the path, Neo.
What has me DEEPLY concerned is this whole "cuddling" thing, and the "nothing happens" thing.
This is cause for alarm. I want to help you take care of this now, while you have the ability to change and pull it together.
Let me tackle the "nothing happens" part right away.
If nothing is happening, it's because YOU ARE NOT MAKING IT HAPPEN.
It's up to the guy to act and escalate things with a woman. Not to sit back and complain that nothing is happening. He must be the one to risk rejection.... and success.
I know we all wish this were different, but it's how a woman knows you're the kind of guy that can make something HAPPEN when it's time.
What if you two were on the street together and some guy came up and gave her a hard time?
(What would you do?)
Would you wait for something to 'happen'? Or would you MAKE it happen?
I think the latter. And that's what she wants from you. Proof to her instinctual and primal needs for protection and security.
If you're too timid to go for a kiss or advance on her, just imagine what might happen when things get REALLY tough.
Now the "cuddling" thing I've addressed before...
If you're cuddling with her, you're telling her it's okay to use you as a little emotional teddy bear, and she can now safely expect NOTHING to happen with you.
Cuddling is how you show affection, but it's also Nice Guy behavior that makes it appear as if you have no balls to make it go further. Save your cuddling for after the make out session. Cuddling gets old, even to a woman, when you don't ESCALATE.
Cuddling is for AFTER. Pre-cuddling is Pre-mature.
Make sense?
As for this other guy, well you only need to worry about your competition if you aren't getting anywhere.
Stay out of her head. Just be thoughtful, don't mistreat her, but recognize that being too "nice" is going to be the worst thing for you both.
Somebody is going to be her first REAL boyfriend. If you get moving, it could be you.
Or... not.
If you want to learn more about being an Alpha Man, I strongly suggest you take a look at these secrets...

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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