Here's a little something one of the Alpha Men out there sent in. I thought you might like to know what it is that works with women...
.... And it's definitely not the "nice guy."
Hey Carlos,
I hope all is well. Anyway, I have a why nice guys finished last field report and if you feel this can help the readers then feel free to share. As follows:
On Friday I was at a nearby bar/grille by myself for Happy Hour. This girl ... shows up by herself and is seated nearby at the bar as well. I just start talking to her and was pretty much having a general conversation. As we were talking her cell phone kept ringing and it was a guy who's chasing her big time w/ nice guy behavior.
He called her 6 times that day and she told him she was in a nearby town(a lie to get away from him) he went there and called her to tell her hey I'm in that town in order to meet up..... Dude was following her or at least he thinks he was. She also mentioned that he's been leaving flowers at her door step every day for like a month....So I asked her if she found that behavior attractive and she answered w/ a resounding NO.
Anyway, to make the story short w/in an hour of meeting her I had sex w/ her at her place and then a few times more at mine. She said to me when I first met you I totally thought you were cocky SOB.
Anyone who knows me knows I'm not. I was just being my Alpha self....Here's a kicker too.....The "nice guy" chasing her is someone I'm acquainted w/ and may cross paths w/ again. I found this out after I was done. Too funny.
Anyway, I'm sure you like success stories, so I thought I share.
And just to keep you guys in the loop, this was a guy I was working with in the personalized phone coaching to help him out.
Only one session.
So if you'd like to learn what he did to get this great success, check out the Alpha Man

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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