Stop Crashing the Car!
I have recently bought The Alpha Man CDs and I am very serious about shaking this stench of "Nice Guy" off of me. The strange thing is that last night I was with a gal and I ended up being nice. I just went her way a little too much and I left her house after I complemented her by saying "you look very sexy tonight" and felt this feeling of "yuckness" all the way home. I think I did this because I have been very cocky and funny with her and almost never let her get her way so I was feeling the pressure of the culture thing that says - you had better be nice to the girl".
In an attempt to recover from this "nice" comment - I sent the following text message when I got home. "See I can be nice. You maybe sexy but you are still a brat. Have a good time in Dallas this weekend". She has heard me tease her before about being a brat - so she shouldn't be too shocked by the mail. Anyways, am not so much asking for how to fix this one but for future knowledge. Is there a decent recovery method for slipping into a temporary nice mode.
As much as I want to have something nice and gentle and politically correct to say to you, I don't.
Lets put it this way - you're doing good. Awesome in fact. You have the right materials (my Alpha Program) and you're doing good with the basic part.
Now we just have to cure you of your recidivism.
OOH, big word.
That just means slipping back into old bad behaviors.
Let me put it this way...
Let's say you own a car body repair shop. Some dude keeps bringing you his Jeep that's just beat all to shit. Now, as this is your business, you'll keep fixing it for him. No problem.
In fact, every time he brings it to you, he says that he was doing so good keeping it on the road, but eventually, he always manages to run it off the road into a tree. He asks you what he needs to do about it after the fact.
But somewhere along the line, you know that the only thing you can tell him is this:
There's nothing you can do afterwards. The damage is done.
In fact, if you try to fix it after you've wrecked the vehicle of your Alpha Posture, you'll just make yourself look more like a pussy.
Just stop making the mistake in the first place.
Need another metaphor?
It's like the guy that keeps coming to you for a hangover remedy, and the problem isn't that his head hurts or his belly is quivering like a pound of jello. He wants a cure for his own lack of self-control.
The only cure for it is to TAKE CONTROL OF THE WHEEL.
You steer your car everywhere it goes. The same is true of your life and your interactions with women.
Okay, now that I've given you the lashing with the wet noodle, let's consider that there may be nothing wrong with giving her the occasional compliment. Just don't do it so much that you seem like you're trying to weasel your way into her affections.
Too many guys adhere to some unwritten rule that you can't compliment a woman. Even a pretty woman.
That's crap.
You just have to know HOW to compliment her. The frame you come from makes all the difference in the world.
There's nothing wrong with being "nice," as long as it doesn't compromise your dignity, your confidence, and your sense of self-worth.
Most guys who are trying to be "nice" are manipulative and deceptive. They're not "nice" at all.
If you'd like to learn more about how to get this Alpha Frame, and learn what a Nice Guy really is, take a look at the Alpha Man program.

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