Impulse Overdrive
You know Carlos sometimes I feel individuals like yourself aren't given the appreciation they deserve. Maybe one day some one will leave you a small fortune. In my opinion you would deserve it. I'm not trying to say that to get on your good side, I'm frankly just being honest.
You know how it felt back in the day to be a Beta. And how hard it was to cope with things. Seeing all these beautiful women and watching all the guys who didn't deserve them end up getting them. Feeling lonely and depressed as if feeling like you could never escape from the cycle.
It's like every missed opportunity fueled your anger towards your depression...until it got worse and worse. Feeling like every step you took was like in reality taking two steps back.
And then you started saying the hell with this. You started trying different things and taking more risks. Learning different ideas and concepts and applying them to real life scenarios. Taking notes on what worked and what didn't. But most of all what I envy about you is your ability to SHARE the WEALTH so to speak.
Your generosity has broadened the horizons for all the men out there who felt like they never had a chance. And you are right we are EXTREMELY fortunate people in this day and age. Technology has simplified everything now a days. I feel sorry for all the people living in these 3rd world countries. They don't even see HALF the life we live...yet even live half as long as we do.
And instead of individuals actually trying to make a difference we try and satisfy our own self-gratification. The media has brain washed us into believe we always need MORE and to NEVER be satisfied.
People want what they can't have. TRUE people learn how to be satisfied with what they have. They don't take things for granted. They stand up for what they believe in. And they show respect towards their possessions and others.
Something that I have learned that I believe most guys over look is the ability to act upon impulse. Women LOVE that.
Once I was walking back from the beach, and I cut through a motel to get back to my condo. While I was walking by the pool of this motel I saw two women laying out. They obviously noticed me and as I was walking by they started laughing. So I of course immediately did the opposite of what they thought I was going to do and I broke away from my walking path and walked right up to them smiling and just started a casual conversation with them.
Got a few laughs and then broke away and said maybe I'd see them later. To put it this way a day or two later we all got well acquainted.
It's hard to find a person who is satisfied with what they have. We're hard-wired as human animals to want MORE. It's what has created the technology and society around us today, that drive to improve and create and innovate.
Without that drive, I wouldn't have put all this stuff together for you guys. I wouldn't have felt so passionate about getting this information spread to more people.
Good job with the ladies by the pool, by the way. I had a vision of "Ferris Bueller" there with you walking up and introducing yourself.
In reality, what you did is all a woman wants. A spontaneous, natural conversation.
Not a guy who's worried all the time whether he's doing or saying the right thing, or afraid of being a "jerk." The fact that you are afraid of it says that you're not likely to become one.
The true Jerk doesn't give it a second thought. He thinks he's a nice guy!
The impulse thing is an important drive as well.
Guys should own up to their instincts, which are actually leading them in the right way. The reason you can't take your eyes off that brown-eyed lass is because your biology is wired to send you after her.
So go get her!
Oh, and until someone does leave me that small fortune, why don't you all take a look at this program ... it's the latest and greatest to help you overcome your fear of approaching and talking to women...
Approach Women - NOW!

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