Sunday, November 13, 2005


I have been in a major slump lately. I haven't been going for a lot of the girls I want to, been feeling a lot more Beta, and it's scaring me. I started rereading Secrets of the Alpha Man...

Sure, I've hooked up with a few girls here and there, but I KNOW I am capable of so much more.

I proved it to myself the first month I was here for school. I walked up to every girl I saw and started chatting her up and grabbing her number, etc. It sucks cuz I really wanna find out what my potential is with women. I wanna see how many girls I can get, how hot I can get them, etc.

My problem is that I just haven't been TRYING anything. I haven't been doing set openers or cold approaches lately and I don't know why.

I even coached my buddy to help him get this girl and my advice worked awesome for him, but it's like I haven't tried it lately for myself. What's wrong with me? I hate knowing the problem and not doing anything about it.


You've been neglecting yourself. You're chasing the women, and not your own self-development and inner happiness.

Women don't make you happy.

YOU make you happy.

Look harder and you'll find the reason why.

But remember that you can take some time off and come back with a better attitude. Stop making women THE priority in your life. They should only be ONE of the priorities in your life.

What else are you doing in your life?

Remember that the difference between my advice and the other "gurus" out there is that I don't condone seeking fulfillment through external validation. In other words, you're already happy. You just have to get out of your own way.

All pain comes from desire - desire for things to be or not be a certain way.

An Alpha is fulfilled all on his own, with or without women. Even if he's in a slump, the Alpha Man knows that it's only temporary. He can feel comfortable and secure even in his own low-performance.

Ride your mood out. Don't let it become a lifestyle.

It's just a temporary setback.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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