If a girl is defintiely flaking out on you when you schedule a date by saying she wants to go, but isn't sure what time she is available, and you know it's just unacceptable behavior, how do you let her know you don't want to see her anymore?
Also, if she tells me she still wants to be my friend after I break it off with her, would it be bitter of me to say no? I mean, I don't want to be friends with someone who is flakey, right? Am I a bad person for telling her it wouldn't be a good idea if we remained friends?
There's no need to burn bridges. Remember, it's better to keep a potential ally than it is to turn her into an unnecessary enemy.
There's nothing stopping you from busting on her and practicing on her later, or network to her friends. Make her part of your harem of girl-friends. She'll also be social proof for you when you meet up with her, rather than an enemy that will blow out your sets and your credibility.
Think ahead. Plan. Don't burn your bridges!
Flakiness isn't really enough of a reason to totally cut someone off. It also doesn't mean you ever have to tolerate it.
Just make sure you never RELY on her to follow through. Never plan any event that requires her to attend.
If she says she wants to be friends, I'd say, "How are you going to do that exactly?"
And listen to her answer. It ought to be quite entertaining.
And remember that there is a way to prevent flakiness from women in the first place, which is what you need to do.
It's coming soon in the Advanced Audio Coaching... :)

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