Hey Carlos, when a you meet a girl, or woman who when you go out on your first date tells you that "I just want to let you know that I have issues" what does that mean? Is it my place to ask her what kind of issues and if she is seeking some help? Normally my interpretation of issues especially when am dealing with females is about a previous relationship gone bad.
I’d ask (within about 2 seconds) “What kind of issues?”
If she’s telling you she’s got ‘em, you need to know what they are. If someone was selling you a car, wouldn’t you want to know what issues it had?
You bet your ass you do.
Ask away. Don’t be timid. Of course it's your place to ask. You're considering investing yourself emotionally in her, you better know exactly what's messed up in her wiring.
Protect yourself.
I just got done with a woman that had more issues than Playboy magazine. She came in for some self-defense instruction and basically had a core meltdown in the first 10 minutes. She was crazy, and I had to tell her this situation would not work out. I don't care about her money; I wouldn't train her. Her energy was draining to be in the same room with. I was glad to be rid of her.
Repeat after me: Life is too short for crazy women.

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