Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Are you embarrassed about talking sexually with a woman?

I have question for you and need some help.

How do I get the topic of conversation over to sex?

This is one area with women that I feel uncomfortable with and I am probably sending out confusing body language too. To bring up the topic of sex with a woman that I have just met makes me feel embarrassed. I know I want to do this and have to try and learn from my failures and grow in this area. Perhaps I should put together one technique and repeatedly use it and learn from my experiences.

Do you have a DVD on doing this or could you give me some suggestions on how I can OVERCOME my feelings of EMBARRASSMENT in bringing up the topic of sex with a woman I have recently met. (with someone I have already been intimate with this is not as big a problem).


A lot of men feel confused about this topic.

Typically when they bring up the topic of "bumping uglies" (I wonder where that one came from), women become immediately turned off.


Because of one of several problems:

1) They brought the topic up too soon

2) They brought it up in a crude or unrefined manner

To cure number 1: Wait until you've established some attraction with a woman before you start talking about the Nasty. You'll just creep her out.

To cure number 2: Learn a little sensitivity and calibration for the people you're hanging with. Almost every group is willing to "go sexual" in conversation if you wait a few minutes. Just don't bust out with your latest "Did you hear the one about the hooker and the dildo?" joke right off the bat.

I personally have never had a problem broaching the topic of sex with women.

Why? Because I'm putting off a strong sexual 'vibe' with women wherever I go. Women know by the way that I talk and move that I'm a sexual being.

So the first step for most guys is to start revealing their sexuality to women.

This is not something you will be able to do overnight, either. You will have to gradually become more used to revealing your sexual nature.

Part of it is SHAME. You are ashamed of sex in some way, either through your parents or your own mental conditioning.

Get rid of this shame by immersing yourself in a comfortable and healthy view of sex.
  • Watch a lot of erotica (Note: This is not the same as porn!)
  • Watch a lot of sexy movies ("9 1/2 weeks", "Body Heat", etc.)
  • Read a lot of erotic literature (and this does not include "Penthouse Forum")
Something I want to point out is that a lot of guys write in to tell me that "X" is no problem with a woman they have been around for a while, but with a new woman, "X" is scary.

(Fill in "X" with just about anything...)

Of course it's easier!

But here's something I want you to realize: It's not easier because of time or familiarity, really. Familiarity is just a perception.

It's easier because you've let down your own anxiety and fear about disclosing and opening yourself to that person. You're no different, and they're no different. The only thing that has changed is your mental FRAME about the situation.

And, yes, as a matter of fact, I do have a DVD set that will help you with your game. It's called the Alpha Immersion Program, and you can get it HERE.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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