Analysis of a Chat
We sent a few back and forth and I got her to use AIM, That's AOL Instant Messaging.
We chatted a few times. I asked her if she was seeing anyone.
She said she was kind of seeing someone from college. He kept bugging her and she said she needed some time to think, some space. Well they got into a fight and he called her friend a bitch. She told me she smashed the cell phone.
Well a day or two later I was chatting with her and I asked her for her home phone number.
She got all silent. So I tested her and said" Do you need time to think about it?" She said " a little bit"
Well 3 days later there she was right at 8 on AIM. We talked for a while then I asked her for her phone number.
me - Hey give me your number so I can get ahold of you sometime offline
her - my phone is broke lol
her - seriously
me - like your regular phone?
me - well anyways last time I asked you
me - I said do you need time to think about it
me - you said a little
me - so I gave you a little
me - what's the deal?
me - I'm not a freak you know
her - i never said you were
me - well I'm just saying
me - so your telling me you have no phone what so ever?
her - all i have is my cell
me - what do you do send people smoke signals?
her - are you being a smartass?
me - just kidding
me - so you have no home phone then?
her - no need for one we have dsl
me - oh so you have no cable?
her - lol
her - yes we have cable
her - but its against my religion to watch gay tv shows
me - See we here have cable internet
me - so we also have a home phone
her - well im not paying for a home phone and hillary dont talk on the phone at all, maybe shes the one that sends smoke signals
me - well the problem i have with this is what you said
me - you said you needed a little time
me - that's all I'm saying
me - if you just want to chat fine
her - whats the rush here, you going somewhere in a hurry?
My game needs work. I learned a lot for that.
Care to say anything about that?
Guys, read that first part of his email where the girl says that he was bugging her (i.e., pressuring her), and that she ran from that. This is typical. The Alpha Man has no need to PUSH.
But this is a great example of a chat situation gone wrong. (Sorry, you knew that already, didn't you?)
What exactly went wrong?
Well, first of all, I realize that Myspace is a stomping ground for a lot of college guys, so chatting on AIM is inevitable. But wherever possible, please get women into the real world as soon as possible. You attempted to do this, but you weren't successful.
It happened here: "So I tested her and said" Do you need time to think about it?" She said " a little bit"
BOOM! Right there, dude.
What exactly were you testing? If she was ready?
That was the problem. This is not the correct way to test women back. (I cover this in many of my programs. Most recently, the Alpha Conversation program). If you "try the waters" like this, you only make yourself look wimpy and ... well, flaccid.
There's a rule in sales: "When you ask a closing question (to get them to buy), SHUT UP. The first person to speak, loses."
There you go. You lost. You let your insecurity get the better of you. She could have been hesitant, or she could have been reaching for her coke. You let the silence trip you up, and she smelled hot "wuss" right out of the oven.
Everything you said after that just bought right into her frame of control. You sounded defensive and insecure.
Next time you just say, "Give me your number. I need to find out if your voice is one of those high-pitched squeaky kinds that sound like nails on chalkboard. Or do you sound like Ray Charles?"
Get her so agitated with sexual frustration that she has no choice but to act on it.
If you need to learn more about handling conversation and communication with women, then you need to get a look at my new up & coming program:
CLICK HERE: Alpha Man Conversation & Persuasion.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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